El Sauce, Lat -30.47111 Lon -70.765 1500m Lati: -30:28:16.0 Long: -70:45:54.0 Elev: 1500 [m] Ignoriere: ['FP', 'SB1', 'SB2', 'BEB', 'TFOP FP', 'likely EB', 'Likely EB', 'rapidly rotating star', 'False positive', 'investigation ongoing', 'under investigation', 'TFOP EB primary', 'TFOP NEB'] Transits for the nex 300 day starting 2024/12/22 17:25:57 Atmo : h_Sun < -10.0°, h_transit > 30.0° Transit: 0.0 < mag_TESS < 16.0, Depth > 0.00 %, UTC-range 0-24 Maximum airmass 2.0 Minimum time from/to airmass upper limit 1.0 [h] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOI-199 b KP 10.3 10.7 egre 12-24 01:58 1.1 55 155 1.33,1.16 6.4 1.03 0.3 -23 Dor 80.10 -59.90 5:20:25 -59:53.7 707.01 PC 10.1 ? cent 12-24 04:38 0.2 52 175 1.29,1.26 6.1 0.05 0.1 -36 Vol 98.73 -67.54 6:34:55 -67:32.2 potential multi; close to 3:1 resonance 2404.03 PC 11.1 ? ingr 12-31 04:12 0.2 46 177 1.41,1.39 3.7 0.24 0.2 -36 Vol 98.44 -74.19 6:33:46 -74:11.4 period found to match that of TOI 2404.02 with additional data; likely eccentric secondary of TOI 2404.02 2404.03 PC 11.1 ? cent 12-31 06:03 0.2 44 188 1.39,1.48 3.7 0.24 0.2 -33 Vol 98.44 -74.19 6:33:46 -74:11.4 period found to match that of TOI 2404.02 with additional data; likely eccentric secondary of TOI 2404.02 4189.01 PC 8.8 ? cent 01-02 01:56 0.2 68 135 1.17,1.03 5.8 0.08 0.1 -23 Pic 81.35 -44.43 5:25:24 -44:25.8 810.02 PC 10.5 ? ingr 01-02 03:17 0.6 49 189 1.29,1.37 11.1 0.03 0.2 -32 Hyi 62.85 -69.47 4:11:25 -69:28.5 outter candidate in possible multi planet system HD 95338 b KP 8.2 8.6 egre 01-03 06:20 16.9 53 146 1.40,1.16 5.9 0.18 0.2 -32 Vel 164.86 -56.62 10:59:26 -56:37.4 Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3354.01 PC 11.0 ? egre 01-04 05:21 0.2 58 197 1.15,1.25 6.1 0.11 0.1 -36 Pic 95.15 -59.75 6:20:36 -59:45.3 790.02 PC 9.0 ? egre 01-08 06:46 0.4 55 191 1.20,1.28 8.2 0.02 0.1 -30 Car 123.40 -64.09 8:13:36 -64:05.5 possible multi near 5:1 resonance TOI-1221 b KP 10.1 10.5 egre 01-21 03:36 0.2 54 177 1.25,1.23 7.9 0.07 0.3 -36 Vol 107.92 -65.51 7:11:41 -65:30.5 6703.01 PC 8.4 ? ingr 01-22 01:43 0.8 62 154 1.20,1.09 14.1 0.01 0.1 -22 Car 96.07 -53.58 6:24:17 -53:34.6 low MES/SNR; possible L1 planet; slightly evolved host 794.01 PC 10.0 ? egre 01-23 06:13 0.3 44 196 1.37,1.55 8.8 0.04 0.1 -37 Vol 106.66 -71.45 7:06:40 -71:26.8 K2-3 d KP 11.8 12.2 egre 01-27 08:03 0.2 60 350 1.16,1.21 4.2 0.06 0.1 -24 Leo 172.33 -1.45 11:29:20 -1:27.3 1057.01 PC 9.4 ? egre 01-30 02:30 0.2 40 172 1.62,1.51 6.7 0.09 0.1 -31 Cha 127.99 -78.41 8:31:59 -78:24.4 L1 candidate Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6644.01 PC 12.6 ? egre 01-30 05:53 0.1 39 213 1.37,1.87 5.6 0.27 0.1 -40 Pic 85.08 -60.92 5:40:20 -60:55.1 found in faint-star QLP search 5151.01 PC 12.8 ? ingr 01-31 04:02 0.1 41 204 1.39,1.72 4.4 2.74 0.3 -40 Hyi 65.40 -67.47 4:21:36 -67:28.2 source of signal previously alerted as TOI-2239.01 /TIC-388130235 (now retired as FP); this is the real star 2327.01 PC 9.4 ? cent 02-08 03:46 0.1 46 188 1.36,1.45 5.8 0.10 0.2 -41 Vol 103.42 -73.08 6:53:41 -73:04.5 Variable star 707.01 PC 10.1 ? egre 02-15 05:57 0.2 37 205 1.47,1.91 6.1 0.05 0.1 -45 Vol 98.73 -67.54 6:34:55 -67:32.2 potential multi; close to 3:1 resonance 2404.02 PC 11.1 ? cent 02-16 02:17 0.3 45 184 1.38,1.43 4.9 0.23 0.2 -33 Vol 98.44 -74.19 6:33:46 -74:11.4 possible eclipsing binary with TOI 2404.03 as eccentric secondary based on spoc-s01-s69 1212.01 PC 10.4 ? ingr 02-18 04:00 10.8 41 199 1.41,1.67 11.6 0.05 0.3 -46 Men 87.87 -70.99 5:51:30 -70:59.5 low SNR; close to momentum dumps 790.02 PC 9.0 ? egre 02-18 07:11 0.4 39 209 1.40,1.85 8.2 0.02 0.1 -37 Car 123.40 -64.09 8:13:36 -64:05.5 possible multi near 5:1 resonance Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3354.01 PC 11.0 ? ingr 02-19 05:18 0.2 39 215 1.37,1.89 6.1 0.11 0.1 -48 Pic 95.15 -59.75 6:20:36 -59:45.3 K2-290 Ac KP 9.6 10.0 cent 02-21 07:02 0.5 45 088 1.86,1.18 8.1 0.47 0.1 -39 Lib 234.86 -20.20 15:39:26 -20:11.9 HD 95338 b KP 8.2 8.6 cent 02-27 02:29 16.9 51 144 1.45,1.18 5.9 0.18 0.2 -38 Vel 164.86 -56.62 10:59:26 -56:37.4 HD 95338 b KP 8.2 8.6 egre 02-27 08:24 16.9 47 217 1.22,1.56 5.9 0.18 0.2 -27 Vel 164.86 -56.62 10:59:26 -56:37.4 1209.01 PC 9.6 ? cent 03-05 01:33 0.2 43 198 1.36,1.57 4.2 0.04 0.1 -30 Men 73.54 -70.38 4:54:10 -70:22.8 Crowded field. Slight depth aperture correlation without offset in difference image. Scattered light in some sectors likely affecting centroid. Asymmetric transit shape. 794.01 PC 10.0 ? ingr 03-16 02:51 0.3 43 196 1.37,1.56 8.8 0.04 0.1 -47 Vol 106.66 -71.45 7:06:40 -71:26.8 HD 114082 b KP 7.8 8.2 cent 03-31 06:00 115.2 59 190 1.15,1.21 12.2 0.48 0.3 -59 Cen 197.32 -60.31 13:09:16 -60:18.5 Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1217.01 PC 9.6 ? cent 04-08 04:16 0.6 76 170 1.06,1.04 6.7 0.10 0.1 -66 Cen 193.26 -44.10 12:53:03 -44:06.0 707.01 PC 10.1 ? egre 04-09 01:08 0.2 44 202 1.33,1.58 6.1 0.05 0.1 -35 Vol 98.73 -67.54 6:34:55 -67:32.2 potential multi; close to 3:1 resonance 6283.01 PC 9.3 ? ingr 04-20 04:45 0.2 37 208 1.45,1.92 3.4 0.47 0.1 -71 Car 143.84 -65.22 9:35:22 -65:13.0 pulsating host HD 95338 b KP 8.2 8.6 ingr 04-23 01:36 16.9 63 179 1.13,1.13 5.9 0.18 0.2 -44 Vel 164.86 -56.62 10:59:26 -56:37.4 HD 95338 b KP 8.2 8.6 cent 04-23 04:33 16.9 49 216 1.19,1.50 5.9 0.18 0.2 -72 Vel 164.86 -56.62 10:59:26 -56:37.4 K2-3 d KP 11.8 12.2 ingr 04-26 04:30 0.2 43 300 1.25,1.93 4.2 0.06 0.1 -73 Leo 172.33 -1.45 11:29:20 -1:27.3 790.02 PC 9.0 ? cent 05-10 23:49 0.4 50 201 1.23,1.40 8.2 0.02 0.1 -24 Car 123.40 -64.09 8:13:36 -64:05.5 possible multi near 5:1 resonance Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ K2-24 c KP 11.2 11.6 cent 05-16 04:52 0.4 82 045 1.06,1.01 6.5 0.38 0.1 -78 Sco 242.57 -24.99 16:10:18 -24:59.4 4358.01 PC 8.9 ? ingr 06-02 08:49 0.2 41 170 1.59,1.46 5.6 0.07 0.3 -34 Oct 344.13 -76.80 22:56:31 -76:47.9 based on new transits in spoc-s01-s69 period is 97.6 d or 48.8 d 4309.01 PC 9.5 ? egre 06-05 23:52 0.4 59 309 1.08,1.34 2.2 0.07 0.2 -26 Sex 158.58 -9.16 10:34:19 -9:09.8 low SNR; single in Sector 9 at ~1564.6 TBJD; originally alerted with event in s35 which appears to be an asteroid TOI-5542 b KP 12.0 12.4 ingr 07-01 03:49 0.1 50 152 1.43,1.20 8.6 0.96 0.2 -75 Pav 302.80 -61.14 20:11:12 -61:08.1 TOI-5542 b KP 12.0 12.4 cent 07-01 08:07 0.1 54 202 1.18,1.34 8.6 0.96 0.2 -45 Pav 302.80 -61.14 20:11:12 -61:08.1 7049.01 PC 11.6 ? cent 08-13 08:10 0.0 44 037 1.72,1.29 2.3 0.66 0.1 -41 Cet 39.82 7.47 2:39:17 7:28.3 flaring host; event near TBJD~2164 is single transit CTOI from George Zhou 933.01 PC 10.6 ? ingr 09-05 09:08 0.7 51 142 1.45,1.17 8.3 0.40 0.2 -23 Pic 92.31 -55.40 6:09:13 -55:24.2 possible odd-even Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4358.01 PC 8.9 ? cent 09-08 02:12 0.2 41 170 1.61,1.47 5.6 0.07 0.3 -47 Oct 344.13 -76.80 22:56:31 -76:47.9 based on new transits in spoc-s01-s69 period is 97.6 d or 48.8 d 4358.01 PC 8.9 ? egre 09-08 07:46 0.2 38 192 1.52,1.73 5.6 0.07 0.3 -40 Oct 344.13 -76.80 22:56:31 -76:47.9 based on new transits in spoc-s01-s69 period is 97.6 d or 48.8 d 5312.01 PC 12.3 ? egre 09-10 04:39 1.8 43 047 1.85,1.28 3.7 0.85 0.1 -64 Psc 21.08 4.53 1:24:18 4:31.9 found in faint-star QLP search 2345.02 PC 10.4 ? ingr 09-13 06:00 6.1 62 108 1.30,1.04 4.6 0.10 0.1 -57 For 43.88 -34.98 2:55:32 -34:58.7 potential multi; period could be half; low SNR 2345.02 PC 10.4 ? cent 09-13 08:18 6.1 85 204 1.02,1.04 4.6 0.10 0.1 -32 For 43.88 -34.98 2:55:32 -34:58.7 potential multi; period could be half; low SNR 1212.01 PC 10.4 ? ingr 09-17 08:05 10.8 43 162 1.57,1.37 11.6 0.05 0.3 -33 Men 87.87 -70.99 5:51:30 -70:59.5 low SNR; close to momentum dumps 553.03 PC 10.0 ? egre 10-03 07:13 0.3 66 136 1.20,1.04 4.4 0.09 0.1 -38 Cae 73.26 -45.54 4:53:03 -45:32.4 period updated to 40.89 days with spoc multisector; period could be half; potential multi Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOI-5678 b KP 11.1 11.5 egre 10-06 05:26 0.2 71 107 1.16,1.01 6.6 0.23 0.1 -52 For 47.38 -34.20 3:09:32 -34:11.9 2425.01 PC 11.2 ? ingr 10-09 05:09 0.1 59 349 1.17,1.23 4.1 1.12 0.1 -52 Cet 19.13 -0.29 1:16:31 -0:17.4 CTOI from Jana Steuer 204.01 PC 9.2 ? ingr 10-09 05:34 0.2 58 197 1.14,1.24 4.3 0.06 0.1 -50 Tuc 12.98 -59.34 0:51:54 -59:20.6 One event is on/near momentum dump 3354.01 PC 11.0 ? cent 10-09 06:05 0.2 42 145 1.73,1.31 6.1 0.11 0.1 -47 Pic 95.15 -59.75 6:20:36 -59:45.3 2425.01 PC 11.2 ? cent 10-09 07:11 0.1 44 304 1.24,1.84 4.1 1.12 0.1 -37 Cet 19.13 -0.29 1:16:31 -0:17.4 CTOI from Jana Steuer 204.01 PC 9.2 ? cent 10-09 07:43 0.2 45 214 1.26,1.61 4.3 0.06 0.1 -31 Tuc 12.98 -59.34 0:51:54 -59:20.6 One event is on/near momentum dump K2-155 d KP 12.4 12.8 cent 10-10 06:51 8.3 36 016 1.94,1.62 3.9 0.09 0.1 -40 Tau 65.47 21.35 4:21:52 21:21.2 Name Typ mag_T mag_v phase Time +/- h Az Airmass D d Peri h_So Con RA J2000 Dec RA J2000 Dec Comment start [No=TOI] [i/c/e] [UTC] [h] [°] [°] [1] [1] [h] [%] [a] [°] [IAU] [°] [°] [H:M:S] [d:m.m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOI-2589 b KP 11.0 11.4 egre 10-11 07:51 0.2 56 112 1.43,1.08 5.3 1.08 0.2 -29 Pup 107.49 -37.23 7:09:57 -37:13.9 794.01 PC 10.0 ? egre 10-12 07:05 0.3 41 161 1.68,1.42 8.8 0.04 0.1 -37 Vol 106.66 -71.45 7:06:40 -71:26.8 6644.01 PC 12.6 ? ingr 10-13 06:42 0.1 52 154 1.38,1.19 5.6 0.27 0.1 -40 Pic 85.08 -60.92 5:40:20 -60:55.1 found in faint-star QLP search (TESS-)Type: PC ... planet candidate; KP ... known planet +/- transit time error; h_tr, Az_tr - height and Azimut at mid-transit; Airmass (:= 1 at zenith) 1.0 h before/after the event; D - transit-duration in hours d -farctional transit-depth in percent Peri - Period in julian years h_So - height of Sun at mid transit in degrees Vis - Objeckt visibility in hours from visibility limit to TOI-setting/sunrise --------------------- Statistik 83 Transits ausgewählt, ... im Mittel 0.28 pro Tag.
Impressum und Datenschutzerklärung:Verein Kuffner-Sternwarte